Previously involved in 3DCG animation work at several renowned Japanese animation studios, Yasunori Honma has now joined the creative team at Sublimation and is in charge of the "Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Love Warriors" project in the role of 3DCG Sub Director.Ĭoming from the game industry where he has worked as programmer, Tomohito Uwabo has been developing unique in-house tools that provide solutions encountered in the creation process for quite some time. He is now leading the "Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Love Warriors" project as the CG Director. Taichi Kimura has been mainly involved in CG creation for Production IG's titles and pachinko machine. UwaboĪfter working for Japanese CG production studio IKIF+ and Production IG, Kimura joined Sublimation in January 2012. “With its ability to handle high poly meshes and complex scenes without problems and a full featured toolset LightWave is an amazing tool for the animation industry.” Taichi Kimura - CG Director of "Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Love Warriors"įrom left to right: Mr. Taichi Kimura (CG Director), Yasunori Honma (DCG Sub Director) and Tomohiro Uwabo (CG Project Manager) will tell us how enthusiastic they are about being on board the Yamato and how LightWave 3D made it all possible. Tokyo-based LightWave reseller D-Storm interviewed Sublimation - the studio behind the CG effects of this sequel - to learn more about their workflow. Considered to be a monumental work of sci-fi animation, the anime series “ Space Battleship Yamato” (also known as Star Blazers - 1974) creates excitement even today! After “ Space Battleship Yamato 2199”, the remake of the planetary phenomena, “ Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love” is now becoming a reality through a seven-part theatrical film project done in LightWave 3D.